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18026656331 Phone Number Reverse Lookup
Phone Owner Unknown
Caller ID Unknown
Caller Type Unknown
Type of Phone Landline
Carrier Lightship telecom, llc - vt
City Rutland
State Vermont
County N/A
County Population N/A
Local Timezone N/A
User Reports
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Received a call from 18026656331 phone number or have any information availible? Report immediately.
Posted: 29th Dec, 2008 by Roxanne
Keep Calling for people who do not live at our number and explaining "how serious the situation is".
Phone owner: QAR | Caller Type: Dept Collector
Posted: 10th Nov, 2008 by Good Credit Score
This appears to be a phising scam. I know that I have no collection accounts and have an excellent credit score. These people would lead me to believe that unless I give them my personal information that they are going to take me to court because of bad depts. I guess this scam might work on people that have bad debts, but since all of mine are current and everything is paid on time I know that this is a lie. These kind of people should be locked up.
Phone owner: Computer
Posted: 6th Nov, 2008 by T
Caller ID comes up QAR with above # but they leave a different callback #. Threatening phone call concerning someone's social security number. Left 866-892-4564 to call back. When I called I got a nasty girl, who didn't want to be treated like a 'scumbag' her exact words so I'm sure she has been through this routine before. I told her she sure sounded like one. Very annoying , they have been leaving messages for over 2 weeks, same computer voice with the message.
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Phone number variations : 8026656331 - 802 665 6331 - 802-665-6331